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  • Writer's picturemybaatki

Centurion of Launch of Baatki

I started 'Baatki' on 8 March 2022, International Women's Day.c I could not find a better day than this wonderful day dedicated to the celebration of women to start this dream of mine. While this day does not have any special importance for me because I am given the same respect and love every day in my home, but women's day is the day when the whole world talks about the rights of women, and for some, marks the beginning of something new.

Without the support of my husband and children, this dream of mine would have been impossible to imagine, leave alone to come true. My family is the reason behind keeping this dream of mine burning. And it is a matter of great pride for me.

I am trying my best to make the name 'Baatki' synonymous with my nature, I will maintain the identity of 'Batki' with as much honesty as I like in my behaviour. The type of clean, fresh and preservative-free food I serve in my house, the same way I feed my Baatki family, whether it is ice cream or Laddoos. With this determination, I have started this small venture of mine.

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