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  • Writer's picturemybaatki

Baatki - My Dream

'Baatki' is the beginning of my dream which I wanted to do for many years. Not only wanting to make my identity through my name, I wanted to be known by my name - a person - and not just someone's daughter, wife or mother.

I had this dream but also a promise to do something good for the society. Something that benefits both the environment and the society. Something that makes people feel proud of me and think that Rekha can do it and provide me self-satisfaction.

The teaching imparted by our parents that guests are like gods have been imprinted in my heart and mind since childhood, which is why my mind always feels good and the heart is very satisfied whenever a guest comes to the house and is satisfied upon eating the food. Don't know why it seemed like I did an especially great job today. After the guests left, the sound of their laughter echoed in my ears for hours and it seemed like a satisfied guest has filled my house with a positive energy.

Taking these feelings and values forward, we started 'Baatki', providing the freshness of homemade hand made ice cream and the authentic and traditional taste of Rajasthani royal Laddoos.

We have promised ourselves that even if we aren't able to reach a lot of people, we will not let the freshness of our Ice Creams and the authenticity of our Laddoos suffer.

It feels great when people come with positive reviews and it is satisfying that I am taking my dream with which I started 'Baatki' in the right direction.

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